Posts Tagged ‘Disaffect’

94-05-22 (from newsletter)

Bruno arranged the bands for this one; shitworkers were David ‘Mong’ Dumont & Kurt Deprez (‘Shortsight’) and yours truely.

This was the last time ‘Disaffect’ (from Glasgow) played here. The 3rd time after 92-10-04 & 93-07-04. Lynne Entwistle (vocals), ‘Joe Fear’ Jock Deacons (vocals; nowadays in ‘Constant Fear’), ‘IB’ Iain Blue (drums, later bass in ‘Scatha’), Andy ‘Orchy’ Irvine (bass; later ‘Scatha’, ‘Debris’, etc.) and Brian Curran (guitar; later ‘Quarantine’, ‘Debris’, etc.) were joined by Billy Steele (also in ‘Sedition’) on 2nd guitar here. After the 2 7”s (An Injury To One Is An Injury To All in ’92, the split with ‘Sedition in ’93; both on Flat Earth & Nabate), in 1994 they appeared on Boezie’s compilation An Insult To Our Freedom (Grinding Madness) and Uge of Don’t Belong Productions (Gijon, Spain) put all their songs on tape. Somewhere around that time, Gilles & Kathleen of Ape recs also released a benefit live tape of ‘Disaffect’ in support for The Indian Lesbian Movement SAKHI. On the occasion of this gig Andy (who also ran Peace Terrorist distribution and Anonymous recs) was interviewed for the first issue of the Vort’n Vis zine Fifi. There are also some photos of this show in Reality fanzine #1 (done by Dominique Beubry from Dunkerque, France) but unfortunately the quality of the half-tones is very poor…

94-05-22 Elaine & IB (Disaffect)from Fifi #2

‘Sleeper’, a melodic emo-influenced hardcore band (from Staten Island, New York), were: Anthony ‘T.J.’ Quatrone (drums), Michael Thomas DeLorenzo (guitar), Marc Treboschi (bass), John Lisa (guitar & vocals) and John ‘Apples’ Telenko (vocals; who didn’t get to tour Europe). Jeremy Weiss did vocals on this tour (see guestbook)… After 2 7”s on American labels, Marianne Hofstetter (Mugglewump recs) put out their 7” More Or Less in ‘92. Nov. ’93 the band recorded for the Splinter 7” on John Yates’ label Allied recs. The album Preparing Today For Tomorrow’s Breakdown (recorded Dec. ’93) with John Lisa doing vocals was released under the name ‘Serpico’ (the new name they would take). In the guestbook they still signed as ‘Sleeper’. ‘Neuthrone’s guitarist Steve W. did an interview (that appeared in the V.V.’s zine Fifi # 2) with them at his house (where they spent the night), while watching ‘Spinal Tap’… Steffen Rose (Navigator) organised their tour. Not really sure if they played as ‘Serpico’ on 95-11-05?

‘Kosjer D’ started out as a 3-some (acoustic guitar, bass & drums) and then Arne (Van Petegem; who was in a mainstream pop-band before) joined. The name was originally ‘Kosjer Dill’ (nickname of the singer’s girlfriend, who was from San Diego). They were an emo band (with personal lyrics) hailing from Limburg, with (besides Arne – guitar/vocals), Geert Plessers (guitar/vocals), Stijn Persoons (drums; ex ‘Dawn Of Liberty’) and Werner (bass – replaced by Kristien Hendrix a few months later). The band did some recordings and asked Bruno (Genet recs) to release them as a 7” (entitled True). People can read about how it came about in Reminder #5… It was their 1st appearance at the V.V.

‘Rectify’, from Wales, were here for the 2nd time (see 91-10-05). They were a political (anarcho) punk band from Blaina in Wales. Wayne ‘Pig(gy)’ Cole sang, Mark ‘Wedge’ Wedgebury played drums, Andrew ‘Footy’ Foot was the orginal bassist but apparently had already left he band by ‘91 & Michael ‘Mudgie’ Mudge played guitar (R.I.P.)… In 1990 they did a tape entitled Ebullition and the recordings for the Virtual Reality tape were in Dec. ’95. Nowadays ‘Pig’, ‘Wedge’ & ‘Newt’ are in ‘This System Kills’…

‘B.B.C.’ (from Germany) … anyone ??? They were announced in the newsletter but there was no mention of them in the V.V. notes so they probably didn’t show up.


This one was with ‘Rectify’ and no doubt some others… I remember arriving early from the overnight ferry and some American guy not wanting to let us into the place. [???] ‘94 was the year of our Spain tour. Billy (who drove for us on the ‘92 & ‘93 tours) joined us on second guitar that year. Done the usual: played the gig, drank the beer and danced to disco into the early hours with the ‘Rectify’ folks. All in all, I’ve got good memories…

Brian Curran, ‘Disaffect’ guitarist

We had just released the Chained [To Morality] LP and were doing a 3 week tour. The Vort’n Vis was always a high point for us. We had so many friends come to see us there.

‘Joe Fear’, ‘Disaffect’ vocalist

I was playing bass at the time of this gig. It was the Order Of The Age tour. I also play bass for ‘This System Kills’. Can’t remember much about this tour as it was 22 years ago, however I do recall the food was lovely and went for 2nds aswel, and also passed out with tiredness. If I remember well the sun was out when we played and it was quite hot in there. ‘Mudgey’ had left the band and a Greg Comber was on guitar (he still plays for some local band)…

Rob ‘Newt’ Newport, ‘Rectify’ bassist

excerpts from the V.V. guestbook:

VV 94-05-22 - (book B) DisaffectVV 94-05-22 - (book B) Disaffect'VV 94-05-22 - (book B) Disaffect''VV 94-05-22 - (book B) Disaffect'''

VV 94-05-22 - (book B) RectifyVV 94-05-22 - (book B) Rectify'

VV 94-05-22 - (book B) Sleeper

additions wellcome!…

92-10-04 Agent 86 - Disaffect - Downcast (+)

Besides the bands that actually played (can’t remember if ‘Punishment Park’ were there aswell; I think they abondoned touring with ‘Agent 86’ by then) also ‘Jawbreaker’ was announced (see poster). Can ‘t recall why exactly they didn’t show up (the UK part of the tour was cancelled) but they played here a couple of years later (94-10-01) though… This day was part of a ‘B.L.O.’ weekend (can ‘t remember what that meant) and ‘Naked Lunch’ performed the day before…

This was the first time ‘Disaffact’ played here. They would be back 93-07-04 and 94-05-22. As everyone knows, ‘Disaffect’ (a political HC/punk band from Glasgow) was Andy Irvine (bass; later ‘Scatha’, ‘Debris’, etc.), Lynne Entwistle (vocals), ‘Joe Fear’ (Jock Deacons; vocals; nowadays in ‘Constant Fear’), ‘IB’ Iain Blue (a.k.a. Debo Williamson; drums, later bass in ‘Scatha’) and Brian Curran (guitar; later ‘Quarantine’, ‘Debris’, etc.). Billy Steele (‘Sedition’) played second guitar only the last time they were here… They must have had their 7” An Injury To One Is An Injury To All out (on Flat Earth & Nabate) at that time… Martin Mann (drummer of ‘Sedition’) did the cover. Marc Papito, ‘Agent 86’s driver filmed ‘Disaffect’ live and you can see the video here (It was ‘92 not ’91, as is stated).

92-10-04 Disaffect 7'' cover

‘Agent 86’ were touring but since a few gigs fell through the tour was a bit messy: they’d played here already but not on 92-09-06 as was mentioned on the tour-schedule. Mike Briggs (guitar & vocals), Michelle Orgill (bass) and Rob(ert) Perry (drums)…

‘Downcast’, a political band from Santa Barbara, played metallic hardcore. They were known for their “anti-dancing” stance: an effort to rid the pits of the ‘tough guy’ attitude and allow all women in the hardcore-scene to return to their rightful place up-front or in the crowd (instead of in the back). The band consisted of Brent Stephens (guitar; co-founder of Ebullition), Kevin Doss (vocals; also helping out Kent McClard with distribution of Ebullition releases) and Dave McClure (bass). They had different drummers on their recordings (Lance York, Javier Vasquez & Chris Harvey – RIP 1996). Not 100% sure who did this tour but I believe it was Chris… They released a tape by themselves in 1990 and Kent McClard (whom I’d met in San Francisco a few years before and toured with ‘Downcast’) put out a 7” and an LP (both self-titled, ’90 & ‘91) on his label Ebullition recs. ‘Downcast’ broke up after the tour. Kent reminded me (personal communication ’93) that Sonia Skindrud (Exedra zine and Kent’s partner in Ebullition) started singing for ‘Not For the Lack Of Trying’ (with Kevin & Dave of ‘Downcast’)…

‘Farside’, a Californian band playing melodic HC (reminiscent of ‘Dag Nasty’, consisted of (during this tour): Michael ‘Popeye’ Vogelsang (vocals), Kevin Murphy (guitar; ex ‘Headfirst’ & ‘411’; he replaced Rob(ert) ‘Cubby’ Haworth who went on to play with ‘State Of The Nation’), Bryan Chu (bass) and Robert (Bob) ‘Violence’ Beshear (drums). Zack De La Rocha (‘Inside Out’ & ‘Rage Against the Machine’) had been in the band shortly but left before this tour. Around that time they releases the Rochambeau LP on the straight-edge label Revelation recs. I wonder if ‘Farside’ actually did play? I have no recollection of them. They were announced on 92-11-22 aswell but cancelled that one for sure… ‘Supertouch’ played with ‘Farside’ at the 1 in 12 in Bradford (92-12-19) but they didn’t tour together, they, sort of linked up in the UK.

‘Fireside’, from the Kortrijk area preceded ‘Faroutski’ – see 95-06-18) with guitarist Piet Geldhof (I think). The others were Geert ‘Barney’ Blomme (drums) and Rine Amelynck (bass). They were part of to the scene around the indie club The Pits in Kortrijk.

Zine-editor (and mate of mine) Ben ‘Sicko’ of Raising Hell (or was it You’re So Hideous by then already?) visited that day. Can ‘t remember if he was travelling around on his own or toured with ‘Disaffect’…


‘B.L.O.’ was the ‘Bond der Langharige Onderdrukten’ [League of Longhaired Suppressed]. Peter Vanthuyne [one of the V.V.’s collaborators] met them on the-university-campus in Brussels. (‘Frank & Freddy’s Fietsenfabriek’ [bicycle-factory] was the sequel.) They did somewhat playful, student-like actions. And they needed a benefit from time to time, it seemed. ‘Naked Lunch’ was a band from Brussels with people from Limburg; if I remember correctly they did a ‘Metallica’-cover and some songs resembling the ‘Butthole Surfers’. They might have become ‘Crossfader’ later on…? I think Peter did the poster…

David Stubbe

‘Downcast’ wasn’t anti-dancing. They were anti-hurting people. They were fine with people dancing but not violent dancing that hurt people. There is a big difference… Sean Sellers was the drummer of ‘Downcast’ on the European tour. No one else was travelling with us. We had some people with us for a few days at a time but it was just ‘Downcast’ and I for most of the trip. I don’t believe ‘Farside played’ here…

Kent McClard

I remember on that tour looking forward to playing at Vort’n Vis due to its cooperative, DIY approach. It had a great reputation and people I had spoken with mentioned the club along with 1 in 12 as their “home away from home”. I sincerely remember feeling the same there. Sean Sellers played drums for us on this tour and he went on to play with ‘Crack’, ‘Manumission’, ‘Shelter’, ‘Good Riddance’, ‘Real Mckenzies’, ‘Authority Zero’, ‘Blink 182’ and ‘The Transplants’. ‘Jawbreaker’ and ‘Farside’ were not there. I remember the ‘Disaffect’ people sharing their food and tales of Glasgow with me. I also vividly remember meeting Mike and Michelle from ‘Agent 86’ (I think we did 2 or 3 shows with them), liking their band instantly and sitting in their van hearing their tour-stories of Yugoslavia (!), cancelled shows, broke and hungry and not knowing how or when they were even getting home. [Mike wrote about all of that in Tremontane #1] ‘Downcast’ was going through our own emotional insecurity issues and I asked to join ‘Agent 86’. They politely declined and kicked me out of their van…

David McClure, ‘Downcast’ bassist

92-10-04 Downcast shirt back92-10-04 Downcast shirt front

The ‘Downcast’ gig @ Vort’n Vis! Could hardly stand upright…

Vik Bulik

I recall playing with ‘Downcast’ at that gig aswell as ‘Agent 86’ (definitely) but I also know I didn’t play with ‘Jawbreaker’. I’m pretty certain ‘Jawbreaker’ were on the flyer but never played – I‘d been looking forward to seeing them but they had cancelled, I got to see ‘em in Glasgow eventually… :-) We played in Liège the night before [92-10-03 @ La Zone: ‘Disaffect’, ‘Seein’Red’ & ‘Hiatus’]. Joe might have a flyer… I tried fruit-beer for the first time here (and the last time as it happens)…

Brian Curran, ‘Disaffect’ guitarist

The tour was worth it for the experience and the fun. It was good to meet your good self at the Vort’n Vis and I enjoyed our chat. It was a really good gig although a little strange to be playing in the afternoon!

Andy Irvine, ‘Disaffect’ bassplayer; personal communication oct ‘92

I do remember you, Brob, and the Vort’n Vis fondly. I have at least one flyer from the show we played there with ‘Downcast’. I do have some memories from that awesome spot – it was one of my very favourites, you guys did a fantastic job there. One of the best organizations we worked with on either of our tours over there.

I wasn’t especially happy with our set on the day we played with ‘Downcast’ & ‘Disaffect’. We played with ‘Jawbreaker’ in Lyon about a week later – but I have no notes about why they didn’t make it to the Ieper show (I suspect it was Blake’s throat-illness, which I believe he ended up having surgery for). I traded ‘Agent 86’ records (with possibly Kent, or Kevin?) for a ‘Downcast’ LP, and made a note that there were “so many people stuffed in that little showroom” that I spent most of the evening outside! I also remember being struck by how many of the guys at the show were “All X’d up”, referring to the omnipresent straight-edge symbol on their hands, and that they slowly filed out during our set (we had driven from mid-France that day and were, admittedly, flagging in energy by that point of a really chaotic and emotionally draining tour). While I didn’t get a lot of time to talk to ‘Disaffect’ on the night of the show, we did spend the next morning chatting and I do recall our drummer Rob getting on quite well with them – both they and ‘Downcast’ blew the doors off the night in terms of performances. I was, as always, impressed with the organization and what appeared to be cooperation with everyone at the Vort’n Vis, and we stayed/’played almost exclusively at squats all over Europe that tour – so we were experiencing all varieties of squats (and ended up travelling to Serbia as well). I am amused to see the note I left in the guest-book (cannot believe I used the term ‘uberstud’ – apologies to Bruno!) but we did have a nice time there.

The only other real note from that show is that we got a speeding-ticket on our way back to France and ended up spending what little money we had made at the V.V. on that. When the French cop pulled us over telling us we were speeding even though there were no signs to let us know the legal limit, he told us (via Sonja, the girlfriend of our pal Marc): “The speed is 50 km in the city – éveryone knows that.” and it became a talking point for days.

Michelle Orgill, ‘Agent 86’ bassist

The one memory that sticks out is lending my snare-drum to ‘Downcast’ and having it returned covered in the drummer’s blood. That was also the first time I had ever heard ‘Disaffect’. They were amazing!

Robert Perry, ‘Agent 86’ drummer

In reaction to the remarks (by Dario Adamic): How can we be sexist when we’ve had a woman in the band 30 of the 32 years of our existence!? And letters to MRR? Never saw ‘em, never published? If you have copies I’ld like to see… Not DIY? That’s why we’ve never signed a corporate deal and last year self (that’s DIY) -released our 22nd?, 23rd? 12”/CD….I’ve lived DIY my entire adult life… And dishonest? This from a guy who demanded to be paid every day he’d travelled with us, even though he knew we didn’t have money to feed ourselves. My Dad ended up footing the bill to rent the van he so comfortably travelled around Italy in… Amazing….

Mike Briggs, ‘Agent 86’

Guitarist of ‘Fireside’ was indeed Piet Geldhof. The band recorded a double live 7” at Democrazy in Gent. ‘Faroutski’ was the same line-up without Piet (who moved to France). ‘Faroutski’ did 2 7”s (1994 Faroutski, 1995 Funarchy) and 3 CDs (1997 Mars, 1999 V8 Powered Punk’n Roll, 2001 Farout Chicken Ride). The rhythm-section continues as ‘Unwanted Tattoo’… I attended this gig. Piet had already left: it was the second gig ever by ‘Faroutski’. It was ‘Barney’ on drums, Rine on bass and Johan [Dekyvere] on guitar. Later they had a second guitarist Dominiek.

Joost Dierick, BZN productions

According the ‘Faroutski’ website it should not have been ‘Fireside’ but ‘Faroutski’ who played here. I suspect that it was ‘Fireside’ however. [They signed as ‘Faroutski’ in the guestbook.] That band was an intermediate between ‘Roadtrain’ and ‘Faroutski’; the core was: ‘Barney’ (drums); Johan (2nd guitar) and Rine (bass). In ‘Fireside’ Piet G. (lead-guitar) and Nathalie (vocals) invigorated the heavy guitar-rock with influences of US bands from the pre-grunge era (‘Green River’, ‘U-Men’, early ‘Melvins’). In the brief span (1991-’92) that ‘Firside’ was active they release a double split-7” with ‘Party @ Vanzettis’ on their own Rock Labyrinth recs. At the end only the rhythm-section and the rhythm-guitarist remained: they chose the direction of melodic punkrock (‘Leatherface’, ‘D.O.A.’, ‘Snuff’, ‘Bad Religion’) and name was changed to ‘Faroutski’; they played “V8 powered Rock’n’Roll” as they called it themselves.

Dirk ‘Bowy’ Bauwens

Kevin Murphy from ‘Farside’ tells about their 1992 European tour in an interview:

>>It was the first time any of us had been to Europe and the entire thing was a disaster. This guy was tagged with booking it and about 3 weeks before we were supposed to leave he contacted Revelation and announced that he had not booked a single date and was not going to. Now, being dirt broke, we had purchased non-refundable tickets to and from Germany, so we were going, tour or not. Jordan knew this great guy in Bradford, England named Ian [Leck] who had booked some shows for some other touring Rev band before. Ian sang for the HC band called ‘Voorhees’. He agreed to book this tour for us and we left the U.S. without having more than 3 or 4 shows booked. So we’d finish playing in a squat in Freiberg, Germany, go to the pay-phone and call Ian and he’d tell us we were scheduled to play in Italy the next night. It was crazy. I also blew my amp the first night which meant I had to borrow equipment every night of the tour. Plus, we were all cramped inside of this tiny VW Euro van along with all of our gear and merchandise – it was just horrible. And somehow, we walked away from it, after losing tons of money, having had an amazing time. At the time, I wasn’t even sure if I was going to be a permanent member of the band but I couldn’t leave after that. It sounds cheesy but it really was a make or break moment for us and it made us. We felt extremely “punk.<<

excerpts from the V.V. guestbook:

VV 92-10-04 - (book A) Disaffect AndyVV 92-10-04 - (book A) Disaffect BrianVV 92-10-04 - (book A) Disaffect IBVV 92-10-04 - (book A) Disaffect Lynne

VV 92-10-04 - (book A) Kevin Downcast

VV 92-10-04 - (book A) Michelle Agent 86VV 92-10-04 - (book A) Mike Agent 86VV 92-10-04 - (book A) Rob Agent 86

VV 92-10-04 - (book A) FaroutskiVV 92-10-04 - (book A) Joost Dierick

VV 92-10-04 - (book A) Ben Sicko

VV 92-10-04 - (book A) VV cook Filip Goudeseune

additions wellcome!…

Disaffect HOTS cover

I think this gig at the Vort’n Vis was the best we’ve ever done. The atmosphere was just so brilliant – everybody having a good time, etc. I was just so please to be there that night and experience it. We made many new friends on the tour and it was so great to see our other friends such as your self, mate. Christ, it’s so depressing being back home again – I just want the rest of my life playing gigs in Europe!

‘Badgewearer’ díd eventually turn up at that gig but only after it had long finished and most people had gone home. It turns out that they had been driving all day to try and get to the Vort’n Vis in time but it was so far to travel that they couldn’t make it. It was a shame for them. They looked totally exhausted when they arrived.

Rumours are goin’ around that the Vort’n Vis is SxE? That’s strange. Sure, it’s obvious that a lot of straight-edgers go there but there’s also lots of other kinds of people and punks that go there too, from what I’ve seen. I definitely wouldn’t say that the venue was SxE dominated.

Andy ‘Orchy’ Irvine, bassplayer ‘Disaffect’; personal communication ‘93

‘Disaffect’ (a HC/punk band with political lyrics from Glasgow) had been here the year before (92-10-04)… I’d gotten to know Andy Irvine (bass; later ‘Scatha’, ‘Debris’, etc.) – in the early 90s through his Peace Terrorist distribution (he helped me bring my zine Tilt! to Glaswegian and other Scottish readers) and his DIY label Anonymous recs, so we were writing back and forth a lot. Through him I got to know his band-mates; a bunch of nice, warm-hearted people! They were: Lynne Entwistle (vocals), ‘Joe Fear’ (Jock Deacons; vocals; nowadays in ‘Constant Fear’), ‘IB’ Iain Blue (a.k.a. Debo Williamson; drums, later bass in ‘Scatha’) and Brian Curran (guitar; later ‘Quarantine’, ‘Debris’, etc.). Billy Steele (also in ‘Sedition’; I guess he was driving here…) played second guitar only the last time (94-05-22) they were here…

‘Disaffect’; pics courtesy of Brian Curran

They had a demo out and the 7” An Injury To One Is An Injury To All on Flat Earth & Nabate in ‘92. 1993 was the year of Work As One, the split-7” with ‘Sedition (Nabate & Flat Earth recs) and the Home Of The Slave 7” (Anonymous recs).

The video that Karl Penando did, was most probably from this gig (not the one in ’94). Brian Curran wrote: “Wasn’t Billy [Steele] playing with us on the ‘94 tour? [He’s not in the video.] I think this video is from ‘93, the gig with ‘Subway Arts’ and a makeshift ‘Hiatus’ borrowing our gear and doing a few songs…” The vid captures the amical and warm-hearted atmosphere quit well. Lots of ‘silly dancing’ (‘Fast music doesn’t mean violent dancing!’, remember…) goin’ on, mates from Liège, Lux and France, etc.

‘Badgewearer’s music was complex jazz-punk with quirky guitars and groovy bass-lines. They were also from Glasgow, Scotland. They released their stuff on (‘Dawson’ guitarist) Jer Reid’s label Gruff Wit recs. The band consisted of Tony Kennedy (bass & bugle), Jim Carstairs (vocals), Ross Main (drums) and Neil Bateman (guitar & sax) – but the latter wasn’t on this tour…

‘Subway Arts’ had been here before (93-02-06) and would come back a few times (e.g. 94-04-02), sharing their melodic “anarcho/peace-punk”. Steve ‘Diff’ Differding (guitar), Sabrina D’Aurelio (vocals), Fränz Laureys (bass) and Claude ‘Bourano’ Bour (drums) left their names in the guestbook. I guess guitarist Xavier was also playing; he was on their LP Una Definizione Perveresa Della Pace (I guess that should’ve been ‘Perversa’) that got out that year…

The second bassplayer of ‘Turmoil’ (formerly ‘Moribund Youth’), Tolga Güldal, did an anarchist zine (called 30%; in Turkish) and he’d written about his band (who got a split-tape with ‘Inkisiçao’ released by Resistance productions – Pablo in Switzerland). They were from Istanbul. Besides him there was Taylan/T(a)y Ipek on bass/vocals, Kerim Cönençer on guitar/vocals and Orkun on drums. Bruno announced them in the V.V. newsletter at that time but for some reason ‘Turmoil’ never made it outside of Turkey… The band did some split-releases, e.g. a 7” with ‘Acoustic Grinder (on Boezie’s label Grinding Madness)…


I’m pretty sure Ross Main was no longer in ‘Badgewearer’ then …but I don’t know who drummed on that tour – they had a few different drummers! … Maybe Duncan Sillars… Mmm could’ve been Duncan on drums … They also had a drummer called Rich but I think that was later on… Neil would know!

Jer Reid

It was nice because we’d started friendship-links with lots of Scottish people and mates. As you know ‘Hiatus’ reformed for 3 gigs in 2009 and we did these with ‘Sedition’. Very good times! ‘Subway Arts’ were very good too; I still have both their records…

Willy ‘Hiatus’

I remember we shook hands in 1993 (or perhaps when I was there in 1995). Lots of memories from those times, all the people and the mighty Vort’n Vis where I slept at least a couple of times… It was Bruno’s good intention to help ‘Turmoil’ with touring Europe and with a (split)LP; which never happened because of hard situations in Turkey. It was a nice dream anyway. I tried my best and with the help of Bruno I showed up alone instead of a tour and had a great time. There was also a great gig with ‘Scraps’; ‘Subway Arts’ & ‘Subcaos’ were touring. [93-08-01]. There were lots of cool people at V.V. like the guy from ‘Neuthrone’, the unknown crusties of ‘War Cry’ and ‘Corpus Christi’, the people of Nabate recs and – I want to mention these names – Boezie, Stevie, Jimyh. I’m still a noise-freak, still enjoy a lot of the same old stuff. I wouldn’t care sounding like ‘Youth Corps’ or ‘Terveet Kadet’…

Tay Ipek, ‘Turmoil’

This was one was with our good friends ‘Hiatus’ and ‘Subway Arts’; we met Diff for the first time. ‘Hiatus’ weren’t on the bill but borrowed our gear and played all the same, and as usual were great.

Brian Curran

All 3 gigs we (‘Disaffect’) played at the Vort’n Vis were brillant. All the people we met, the bands we got to see and play with… Sleeping up in the attic after the gig and getting up next morning to croissants + jam and loads of fruit-juice after a night of boozing and smoking just hit the spot. It was amazing to see this kinds quiet town with this amazing venue and punk-scene, just blew me away. I think the first time we played there me and Andy were looking at gig listing and we had just missed ‘Nausea’ by a couple of weeks, gutted to say the least ;-).

I returned to the Vort’n Vis a couple of years ago with my old band ‘Constant Fear’ and no one told us that the place had moved, so I was arguing with the drummer (as usual) about where the bloody place was. Anyway after travelling for 2 days with 4 hours sleep, we didn’t go down that well, in fact we were shit. But I was disappointed to find that it was not the same place. Didn’t recognise anyone there and I don’t think we will be invited back.

Hard to imagine that the ‘Disaffect’ gigs were all 20 years ago; time just seems to have run away. I don’t remember a lot about the gigs we played as I was pissed but they amazing. So a big thanx to everyone involved with the venue, who put us on, fed and watered us, came to see a band and left as friends. Cheers!

Joe Fear

That was the day we drove from Vienna through Germany at 200km/h to try and get there…

Tony Kennedy, ‘Badgewearer’


excerpts from the V.V. guestbook:

VV 93-07-04 - (book B) Subway Arts

VV 93-07-04 - (book B) Disaffect

VV 93-07-04 - (book B) SlinkeMolenGentThe Slinke Molen squatters from Gent were there…

VV 93-07-04 - (book B) Olivier de ToulouseOlivier Hogie from Toulouse…

VV 93-07-04 - (book B) Laurent (Lorenzo) LiègeLaurent ‘Lorenzo’ from Liège…

VV 93-07-04 - (book B) Yannick de LilleYannick ‘PikPik’ from Lille…

VV 93-07-04 - (book B) W+AArnaud Waterblez from Pérenchies…

VV 93-07-04 - (book B) Pascal BortzmeyerPascal Bortzmeyer from Trelon: ” I remember the day when the drummer of ‘Crimpshrine’ & ‘Pinhead Gunpowder’ [Aaron ‘Cometbus’ Elliott], who was travelling around Europe, showed up and we took him to Fourmies [France]…” [Brob: Aaron (who’s zine I’d been distributing) was riding his bike through several European countries; he wrote about it in one of his issues.]

additions wellcome!…

Flyer that was passed out at Vort’n Vis gigs (halfway the 90s)…

The lyrics are by ‘Disaffect’ (UK); a song on their An Injury to One… ep (see below)